Mobile SIPHON TANK Technical Training for Ukrainian
Technical Training for Ukrainian Engineers for Phase 1/ JICA Grant Aid Emergency Recovery Plan, which was Announced in a Press Release, has Successfully Concluded.
Training was held for 6 Days from November 20th to 25th at our Takahagi Factory / NIHON GENRYO Co., Ltd.
Although their under Difficult Circumstances, Ukrainian Engineers were very Enthusiastic how to operate Mobile SIPHON TANK Water Purification Systems(MST-2300S) and also Interested in Water Supply System in Japan. It was Also Meaningful to Our Company.
Four Mobile SIPHON TANKs (MST-2300S) are Scheduled to be Delivered to Ukraine in Middle /January 2024.
Although Conflicts, Wars, and Disasters are happening Frequently around the World, NIHON GENRYO Co., Ltd. will Continue to Work to Create Where Everyone can Access Safe and Clean Water.
We are very Appreciate your Continued Great Support.